Activity 2: Crafting a Dockerfile

We proceed with creating our own Dockerfile.

When containerising an application, the following are our considerations:

Create a new Dockerfile file in this directory.

2.1 Define Base System

Append the following to the created Dockerfile (it should be empty at this point):

FROM alpine:3.2

This indicates we wish to use Alpine Linux 3.2 as our base system.

From the same directory as the Dockerfile, run the following to build our first image:

docker build --tag myimg:a32 .;

This tells Docker to tag the created image with a string, "myimg". This is useful for referring to the image in later stages.

2.2 Runtime Installation

Install Node which we will be using by appending the following to the Dockerfile:

RUN apk add --no-cache nodejs

apk is the package manager for Alpine.

Run the build command again and observe the difference in output:

docker build --tag myimg:a32 .;

We can see that with this new RUN directive, there was one more step in the build process. Every directive runs in its own step, and this has implications for optimisation which we will cover later.

Test out the Node installation by creating an interactive shell into the container:

docker run -it myimg:a32;

The -it flag tells Docker to create an Interactive shell into the resultant container.

Run node and experiment with it.

2.3 Dependencies Installation

COPY ./example-app /app
RUN npm install

Attempt to build it again:

docker build --tag myimg:a32 .;

Oops! Looks like we are getting some errors with this gyp thingy. Let’s install it.

2.4 Runtime Dependencies Tweaking

Occassionally, some dependencies may require native build tools like gyp-node, which is the compiler for native C++ addons for Node. Let’s install this runtime dependency now since we currently understand the application a little better.

Looking at the error message, we’ll realise that some python is required. No it’s not a snake.

After line 2, where we are installing system dependencies via apk, add another line to install python:

RUN apk add --no-cache python

Run the build again:

docker build -t myimg:a32 .;

You should now see an error regarding make. When will this stop? Add another line after the line installing python:

RUN apk add --no-cache make

Run the build again:

docker build -t myimg:a32 .;

And well, yet again we are faced with yet another error, this time requesting for g++. Let’s give g++ to it. Add another line below the line installing make:

RUN apk add --no-cache make

Run the build again:

docker build -t myimg:a32 .;

At last.

Observant as you may be, you might have said, why not concatenate all the installs into a single line:

RUN apk add --no-cache nodejs python make g++

This is because every layer is cached. Observe your last Docker build output and you’ll notice the following line:

Step 2/8 : RUN apk add --no-cache nodejs
 ---> Using cache

We added the runtime dependencies incrementally so that Docker can cache our previous layers, hastening our build. If we had added it onto the initial line, we’d have done a rebuild every single time, wasting precious time.

2.5 Entrypoint Configuration

Now that the build succeeds, we need to tell Docker how to run our application. We use the directive ENTRYPOINT. Add the following line to your Dockerfile:

ENTRYPOINT ["node", "index.js"]

Build your image:

docker build -t myimg:a32 .;

If you couldn’t get to this stage and need to catch up, run the following two commands instead:

cp ./dockerfiles/activity-2.5.Dockerfile ./Dockerfile;
docker build -t myimg:a32 .;

Now let’s run the application:

docker run myimg:a32;

Note that we remove the -it flag now since we no longer need Docker to be interactive.

You should now see that an error has happened! Why is that so?

2.6 Debugging & Fine-Tuning

Let’s debug Docker, run:

docker run --entrypoint=/bin/sh -it myimg:a32;

Note that we specify the -it flag again because we want an interactive shell from /bin/sh.

Once in the container, run:

node -v

You’ll see that we are at Node v0.12.10 which doesn’t allow the keyword const in strict mode.

Learning Point: Base Docker images come with their own sets of repositories, different versions of the system may contain different versions of runtimes, so choose your base image according to your requirements!

Run exit in your container to get out of it and let’s update Alpine to the latest version, alpine:3.8. Change the first line in your Dockerfile to use alpine:3.8 instead.

Learning Point: Note that this time round, no ` —> using cache` messages can be seen. This is because we changed the base image, hence everything after that step has to be re-run by Docker.

Run the build (note the change from a32 to a38):

docker build -t myimg:a38 .;

You’ll see that npm is now not installed. This is because Node at v0.12.x shipped with npm, but at the latest version, v8.11.4, NPM is now separate from Node. Go ahead add a line below the line adding the g++ package:

RUN apk add --no-cache npm

Run the build again:

docker build -t myimg:a38 .;

It should now work. Let’s run our image:

docker run myimg:a38;

It should say HELLO. Finally.

2.7 Optimisation

Now that our image can be built and instantiated into a container successfully, let’s see what other optimisations we can make.

If you couldn’t catch up, run the following command to get to where we should be:

cp ./dockerfiles/activity-2.6.Dockerfile ./Dockerfile;

2.7.1 Line Concatenations

We observe that the lines 2 to 6 can be concatenated into one. Let’s do this so that your line 2 looks like this:

RUN apk add --no-cache nodejs python make g++ npm

This reduces the number of layers and hence download overheads when someone pulls your image.

2.7.2 Dependency Optimisation

When working with Docker, we seem to have to run the npm install every single time we make a change to the code since the Docker cache is not activated since the COPY directive checks for the integrity of the files since the last docker build was run.

package.json is the file for Node which defines the dependencies. If the file did not change, the dependencies will remain the same.

To optimise this, we first COPY in the package.json, so that if the package.json did not change, we can make use of the Docker cache. Modify your COPY command so that it looks like this:

COPY ./example-app/package.json /app/package.json
COPY ./example-app/package-lock.json /app/package-lock.json

Next, add another line just before the ENTRYPOINT line:

COPY ./example-app /app

Now any changes you make in the code will not cause npm install to run.

Run the build:

docker build -t myimg:a38 .;

Now change the file at ./example-app/index.js (relative to this directory), so that the "HELLO" says "WORLD" instead.

Run the build:

docker build -t myimg:a38 .;

Notice that the npm install did not run. Try reversing the command to before this step and try the same. npm install will take a load of time. As always.

2.7.3 Size Reduction

One of the best practices in writing Dockerfiles is keeping your image size small. This makes it easy to pull your image from wherever it is stored.

Run the following to see the size of your image:

docker images | grep myimg | grep a38

You’ll see that it takes up roughly 250MB. That’s huge. Let’s reduce that size. This process can be time consuming, involving executing into your Docker container and checking out what’s keeping the size up. However, some quick wins can be done.

Recall that we installed python, make, g++ and npm, however we don’t seem to be using any of them in our ENTRYPOINT directive.

Let’s remove them. Add a line to the Dockerfile:

RUN apk remove python make g++ npm

Run the build (note the change from a38 to a38.2 so we can see the size difference):

docker build -t myimg:a38.2 .;

Amazingly, nothing has changed.

Learning Point Docker works in layers. Because our RUN directive that installs the runtime dependencies are in a separate directive from the RUN directive that removes them, no size difference is noticed since they’re just layers of differences stacked upon one another.

Let’s refactor the Dockerfile so that they can be in the same line. This is a complete change in the Dockerfile and it should look like this:

FROM alpine:3.8
COPY ./example-app/package.json /app/package.json
COPY ./example-app/package-lock.json /app/package-lock.json
RUN apk add --no-cache nodejs python make g++ npm \
  && npm install \
  && apk del nodejs python make g++ npm
COPY ./example-app /app
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "index.js"]

Notice how we strung together all the RUN directives while maintaining the COPY optimistaion. Now build your application with a .3 appended to the image tag:

docker build -t myimg:a38.3 .;

Notice how this takes awhile.

Learning Point At this point we are doing production optimisations, we should be left till when the code base is stable and dependencies don’t change as much

Check out the size of the image now:

docker images | grep myimg | grep a38

That’s a huge optimisation isn’t it?

2.7.4 Functionality Reduction

Another best practice when it comes to building images is to keep it lean - i.e. low in functionality. Keeping the image lean reduces the attack surface and is good image building hygiene.

Alpine Linux is a distro which is by itself already pretty lean. Let’s experiment with a more bloated base image at this stage.

In the first line of your Dockerfile, change the alpine:3.8 to ubuntu:16.04 which is used in lots of web systems:

FROM ubuntu:16.04

Since we’re now on a different base system (Ubuntu 16.04 instead of Alpine 3.8), we’ll need to alter some commands which were specific to Alpine. Change your RUN directive so that it now looks like this:

RUN apt-get update \
  && apt-get install -y nodejs npm \
  && ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node \
  && npm install \
  && apt-get -y remove nodejs npm

Learning Point #1 Different base systems utilise different commands and may have different available packages. For example with Ubuntu 16.04, we no longer need to install python or make. This is because the system already comes bundled with it.

Learning Point #2 Notice how we used a ln -s command to create a symbolic link of the nodejs binary. In Alpine, Node is installed as node, whereas with Ubuntu, it is installed as nodejs. Binaries may be named differently across systems.

Run the build once more:

docker build -t myimg:u1604 .;

Now check out the size of our different images:

docker images | grep myimg | grep -i "a38|u1604"


Next Steps

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