Activity 1: Using an existing Container Image

This section will introduce Docker and some common commands

1.1 Pulling/Running a Container Image

Let’s have some fun. Run the following in your terminal to “pull” an image - basically retrieving the image from the Internet to your local machine:

docker pull bharathshetty4/supermario:latest;

Next, we run the pulled image, indicating that the resultant container should be named "supermario" and should publish itself on the host’s (your machine’s) port 8080 using its own (the container’s) port 8080. The format is "HOST_PORT":"CONTAINER_PORT":

docker run \
  --publish 8080:8080 \
  --name supermario \
  -d bharathshetty4/supermario;

After the above command finishes running, open your browser at http://localhost:8080.

1.2 Monitoring the Container

Run the following to check out what’s running and the status of the "supermario" container we created earlier:

# check out all containers
docker ps;
# check out the stats for the supermario container
docker top supermario;

To see a live stream of the container’s metrics, run:

# check out the statistics for all containers
docker stats;

1.3 What else is available

See what other resources we have:

docker container ls;
docker images;
docker volume ls;
docker network ls;

1.4 Shut it down

Run the following to shut down the container:

docker stop supermario;

Next, remove the container with:

docker rm supermario;;

Next Steps

Return to Application Containerisation